[TenTec] Off Subject: Timex/Sinclair

WB1EHL jhgraves at gis.net
Thu Jul 17 12:00:27 EDT 2003

Are you suggesting that my 3 Tandy Mod 1's in the garage are 
overkill!!!   What about the SSSD drives that go with them. HAH!

BTW, if anyone needs a expansion unit for a Mod 1, email me off line.



At 11:55 PM 7/16/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>Geez, Ron-  that's about as far into the dinosaur era as you could possibly
>go... and not have filaments!
>...but then again, how could you NOT have room to keep it?  Those were
>darned tiny machines, compared to the TANDYs , IBMs etc of same vintage...
>or a KAYPRO for that matter...
>But honestly... I think there's more memory in this KEYBOARD's buffer than
>in the T/S.  I see they've got 512mb RAM in video-cards these days, and I
>still haven't managed to build a COMPUTER that needed that much RAM...
>DK  :-)
>At 09:57 PM 07/16/2003 -0400, you wrote:
> >Sorry about the off-topic post...
> >
> >Anyone remember the old Timex/Sinclair 1000 Z-80 based computer?  I was just
> >given one by a friend who's in the process of selling his home & retiring to
> >FL; don't have a use for it, and no room to keep it for nostalgia purposes
> >(and no desire for the eBay hassles) so if anyone would like to trade for
> >it, email me off-reflector & we'll talk.
> >
> >73, ron wn3vaw
> >
> >After being grilled by Milwaukee police, is the wurst over for the
> >Pittsburgh Pirate's Randall Simon?
> >One thing's for sure; there are no weiners in this one...
> >
> >
> >
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>73's from KW0D Dave in LeClaire, Iowa
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