[TenTec] N4PY Orion Control Software

Phil Howlett w9xx at ivwnet.com
Tue Jul 29 21:10:31 EDT 2003

Good Day!

Some Orion owners may not be aware that Carl, N4PY, has written a computer
control program for the Orion that not only allows control of the Orion from
a PC but also adds several control features that adds to the Orion's
features and versatility.  Enhanced AGC functions, simplified split
operation, a smart VFO feature that chooses the best VFO/receiver
combination for the frequency selected, and extensive pod button assignment
menus are just some of the enhancements. See www.ralabs.com/n4py/ for the
lowdown on his work.

Those who use Carl's Pegasus control program already appreciate the extra
features Carl brings to the radio's operation.

Phil, W9XX

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