[TenTec] hp Z3801A Interface Unit

Jim Reid jimr.reid at verizon.net
Wed Jun 4 19:03:16 EDT 2003

Aloha Eric,

You wrote,  in part:

> Hi, Jim,
> I took a look at the online manual for it and it will probably
> do the job.  However, you aren't out of the woods just 
> yet because on the Z3801 side you'll have to block all 
> signals but TxD, RxD and Gnd.  

> A simple breakout box to pass 2, 3, and 7 (for RS232) 
> would be okay.
> Note also that your wire has to be null-modem -- the 
> clock is DTE -- to connect to your computer.

> (P.S. Jim, can you breadboard something externally? ) 

Oh my!  Eric,  this just becomes more and more silly!
Yes,  I can work pretty well with external perf board;
have done that a bit already since my vision went South, hi.

I have no idea what you mean about "block all signals but...";
and what is this about "wire has to be null-modem -- the 
clock is DTE -- to connect to your computer."

I am starting to believe I am in over my head;  but,  I have
already put the hp Z3801A on order!

Is there some less costly solution for me?  I mean something
I can do that won't require my XYL getting involved?  She
is a great gal,  but at 66 already has her hands full trying
to keep order at the hospital, hi!  She is more than willing
to help (already has done a bit of a mod inside the RX-340
for me),  but it is a chore for both of us.  And, I am older than
that,  hi!

With large enough parts and wires,  I can do it,  if I can see

73,  Jim  KH7M

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