[TenTec] Need Help.

Ernest Mills emills at nycap.rr.com
Mon Jun 9 21:26:32 EDT 2003

I'm using a Pegasus 550 with internal LDG PT-11 Auto Tuner.   N4PY software ver: 2.08 with DSP ver: 1.190.
Not used rig for about 2 months.

With Autotune on: Internal tuner enabled. Tuner fold back power set to 23w
40m relays chatter. ends up with about SWR of 1.8
20m no ALC light on when it tunes, No output Power on meter, No reading on SWR
15m same as 40m above.
10m same as 40m with SWR ending at 1.2

Does this sound like a faulty RIG or Tuner on 20 meters? 

    Pulling my hair out..... thanks for any help.  73 Ernie

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