[TenTec] RX-340 and the hp GPS Freq Std.

George, W5YR w5yr at att.net
Thu Jun 12 02:11:55 EDT 2003

Jim, you can check the ORION's dial accuracy the same way. Set the dial to
10,001.000 LSB and see what DigiPan tells you it reads for 1000 Hz.

If there is an externally accessible adjustment of the master oscillator,
you can tweak that and observe the effect on DigiPan until you get well
within the ballpark.

The PRO2 has a little hole on the right side of the cabinet for accessing
the trimmer cap. Easy to tweak up, though seldom touch it as it stays within
a Hz or two of WWV. The TXCO is spec'd at 0.5 ppm so its stays pretty well

I don't know what we did for an audio spectrum analyzer before DigiPan!

73/72, George
Amateur Radio W5YR -  the Yellow Rose of Texas
Fairview, TX 30 mi NE of Dallas in Collin county EM13QE
"In the 57th year and it just keeps getting better!"
<mailto:w5yr at att.net>

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Reid" <jimr.reid at verizon.net>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 7:27 PM
Subject: [TenTec] RX-340 and the hp GPS Freq Std.

> Aloha,
> Well,  the hp Z3801 GPS rcvr is humming along just fine.
> At this instant it is locked to five satellites,  and providing
> GPS quality frequency standard at 10 MHz (less than
> 1prt in 10^ -9th,  over one day average).
> This signal is now fed into J2,  the external reference
> standard input port on the back panel of the 340.  And,
> immediately,  the "EXT REF" LED on the 340 front
> panel illuminated.
> Tested the accuracy using George, W5YR's,  method as he
> described with his June 4h post to this reflector.
> The MixW frequency readout (there was zero sound card
> error,  his first test check) is----no error!
> The MixW frequency is reading out 1000.0 !  Every now
> and then it will drop for a few moments to 999.9,  hi.
> Now I know for sure where the RX-340 is tuned,  hi.
> Wonder if there is a way to somehow calibrate the
> Orion against the 340;  maybe via Carl's software.
> His Orion control programs has a "Calibrate"
> function,  but pending serial port "fixes" by Ten
> Tec that feature is not yet functional.  But we will
> see.........
> Just feeling delighted about the performance of my
> super "fine car and it's speedometer",  to borrow
> one of George's analogies,  hi.
> 73,  Jim  KH7M
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