[TenTec] WWVH and Flare Attenuation

Jim Reid jimr.reid at verizon.net
Tue Jun 17 14:10:03 EDT 2003

At this moment we are at the peak of an M class
flare: M6.4 at 2301 Z.  And both 10 and 15 MHz signals
at my QTH just miles East of their antenna farm are
attenuated about 15 dB below normal here, now S4,
-103 dBm or so.

The 2.5 MHz signal,  via gnd. wave is at full strength
around -85 dBm here.

This seems to support my view that I am getting the
higher frequencies from VH via backscatter from
out further to the West of Kauai,  and gnd. wave
at 2.5.

Again,  just interesting.

73,  Jim  KH7M

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