jlockj at earthlink.net
Tue Jun 24 23:08:31 EDT 2003
Hi Yuri,
What the heck is this subject line??
IMHO, DX contests are won by stations who can copy weak stations that are
Adjacent To Strong Stations. (i.e. EU stations running 5 watts to indoor
dipoles right next to W1AW)
I would not hold my breath waiting for radio manufacturers to submit
prototype or initial run radios to you for testing. I think you know why.
John W0DC
----- Original Message -----
From: <K3BU at aol.com>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2003 6:10 PM
Subject: [TenTec]
> Tommy WD4K among other stuff writes:
> > But, in their defense, they are having fun
> > with their equipment which is great, however this Orion factless testing
> > very obviously designed to bias the opinions of the general ham
> > and affect someone's buying decision and financial investment which I
> > personally believe is over the line. IF it was based on fact, fine...but
> > isn't. Hopefully it won't be too long before we, including yours truly,
> > get to see the real numbers and hear the opinions of real lab tests.
> > then, I have to look at the opinions of all of these wobbly knobbers
> > real skepticism. Maybe their wives found out how much they spent and
> > have to have a "reason" to send back the radio to save face:) HI Who
> > knows??
> What you call "factless testing" is a practical test by one of the top
> in low band "business" looking for particular feature of the receivers -
> ability to discriminate S/N in real life situation and ability to dig out
> signals. He described the testing method and he does it in A/B tests with
> radios to eliminate other variables. He is looking for THAT particular
> which is very important in weak signal reception on 160 and 10m as two
> in the range of HF bands (VHFers know this and strive for it). Those who
> the "joys" of operating on 160 and are serious contesters and DXers, know
> what we are talking about. Those who are ignorant would fire ignorant
> K6SE did not "evaluate" radio as such, with all it's bells and whistles
and made
> recommendation to the ham buying public, he looked at one particular
> that is important to him and others involved in weak signal reception. He
> purposely avoided to post his findings to this reflector, knowing how this
> of believers sings (and here we come).
> I am very grateful for his work and ranking of rigs, because this aspect
> very important to me also. It also made me think what could be the cause
> other rigs/designs to be deficient in that aspect. Without doing proper
tests and
> measurements, I can only speculate that most likely it has to do with the
> internal noise floor of the first active device or next mixer. Working way
> with "sharp" tubes like 6EJ7 and 6EH7 I know that that situation can be
> improved over run of the mill 6BE6 etc. Time permitting, I will try to
emulate the
> K6SE tests here and subject pile of radios that I have here to this type
of test.
> In the normal word (like car racing), manufacturers appreciate the work
> suggestions for improvement especially from the competitive and
> users (drivers). In ham radio world, "they" know the best and don't need
> stinkin' smart alec" comments from hams and you get what is out there. I
> my help to few manufacturers, but they were not interested. So I go buy
> radios and modify them and stay half happy still waiting for that ultimate
> rig. Orion would be the exception, buying new rig, thanks to 30 day return
> policy.
> Compliments to TenTec for nice job of designing rig with crush proof front
> end (as I read comments) and some nice and useful features. But if you all
> that emperor has nice clothes, then you would look like you know who.
> ARRL lab tests? They are nice, but did they test and report on horrible
> clixes, or close spaced overload problems? Nyet! You could be user one of
> clixing garbage trucks and be "happy" (nice radio), but when you fire up
with kW
> in crowded contest band (highway), there are bunch of guys that hate you,
> call sign, your radio, your momma.... (who are we to tell you that? ARRL
> said it's OK right?)
> The point is that work of some of those, who know thing or two should be
> considered, evaluated and maybe even appreciated. That goes double for
> manufacturers, they can only gain. Instead of packing 200 memories and 300
menus in a
> rig, they should pay closer attention to real performance and features
that are
> in demand.
> I am still waiting for a call or email, from some manufacturers saying:
> you think? Can we improve or implement this or that in our design? There
> still few left who are top notch contesters, engineers and designers who
> help in the quest for that ultimate mother of all rigs.
> Contests are won not by working just those loud stations that everyone can
> work, but also working those that others can't hear. That's where K6SE
> "discovery" comes handy and is welcomed by those who know. Thanks again
> Yuri, K3BU, VE3BMV, VE1BY etc.
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