[TenTec] A/B Testing Flame Wars

Bill Tippett btippett at alum.mit.edu
Wed Jun 25 17:31:03 EDT 2003

N4ZR wrote:

 >In the meantime, there have been many other indications that Ten-Tec is 
following this discussion and is vitally interested.

 >Well, they should be, but when was the last time you can recall such an
active dialogue taking place with one of the Big Three Japanese transceiver 

         Very well said Pete!  Without naming names:

1.  Which Big 3 manufacturer has had numerous design flaws (clicks, noisy 
IF chain, AGC issues, etc) that have required users to modify their radios, 
at their own cost, while never even acknowledging that they have a problem?

2.  How many times has the President of one of the Big 3 posted a response 
on a reflector or personally communicated with someone having a problem?

3.  Which of the Big 3 has actively taken user feedback and incorporated it 
into the design of their radio?

         I have never owned a TenTec radio, but I see a company that is 
responsive to customers, who stands behind their product and actively 
solicits customer feedback.

         I also admire TenTec for their integrity...things like:

1.  Limiting CW rise/fall times to parameters that will not cause clicks (3 
ms minimum).

2.  Paying attention to total keyed bandwidth characteristics to minimize 
bandwidth (i.e. shaping the signal beyond just the rise/fall times).  ( 
http://www.doug-smith.net/cwbandwidth1.htm )

3.  Limiting SSB bandwidth to 3900 Hz maximum.

4.  Not making misleading advertising claims ("144 dB dynamic range", "IP3 
of +40 dBm", etc.)

5.  30-day return policy.

         TenTec may be having a few teething problems with Orion but guess 
what, they are addressing them rather than stonewalling them.  Just try 
asking one of the Big 3 about their click problems and tell me what they say!

 >"So bravo Ten-Tec -- keep listening."  AMEN Pete!

                                                 73,  Bill  W4ZV

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