[TenTec] Misc. Orion comments

tlogan7 at cox.net tlogan7 at cox.net
Mon Mar 10 14:28:18 EST 2003

Adam -
  For what it is worth, the fellow that bought my 756 Pro II lives in New Zealand and says he has chatted a bit with the Icom rep - according to him Icom is going to start chopping the price on the ProII. Why this would be the case makes no sense to me as I am not aware of any new Icom product or "ProII" on the horizon. But I would be curious if anyone has more info on this. Continually dropping the price on rigs like the ProII could really make it tuff competition for the Orion.
73/Tim NZ7C
> From: Adam Farson <farson at shaw.ca>
> Date: 2003/03/10 Mon PM 01:46:06 EST
> To: tentec at contesting.com
> Subject: RE: [TenTec] Misc. Orion comments
> no....actually HRO's price of $2539 for the 756Pro II (even including the
> free PS125) is in line with the price I paid for mine at Dayton 2003.
> Traditionally, Icom start discounting a radio when they have a new product
> offering in the wings.
> I do not believe that Icom are particularly exercised over the Orion. The
> 756Pro II enjoys a substantial, world-wide non-amateur marketplace from
> which the current Orion implementation is locked out by reason of its
> amateur-bands-only architecture (sub-receiver excepted). In any event, the
> 756Pro II and the Orion are in different price classes.
> Cheers for now, 73,
> Adam VA7OJ/AB4OJ
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