[TenTec] Airpax breaker

robert k stephens bstephens1 at mindspring.com
Tue Mar 11 20:32:27 EST 2003

Tnx to everyone for your different answers. I already have fuses on the 
PS/battery end of my DC cables (both mobile and AC power) so I should be 
protected from problems on that end. As I  understand it, the Corsair does 
not have a fold down  feature, so therefore the Airpax breaker is for 
protection of the finals (the manual says a fuse alone will not protect the 
finals).  According to the manual the Corsair on/off switch does not work 
without a TT PS so the breaker becomes the effective on/off switch. Having 
that switch near the rig is more convenient. It would be particularly 
inconvenient to locate the breaker/on/off switch on the battery end of the 
mobile installation <g>. Therefore, I think I'll put the breaker next to 
the rig and fuses on the power end.

Tnx agn

At 02:09 PM 3/11/03 -0600, you wrote:
>Near the power supply as then it will protect against an insulation fault of
>the interconnecting wires.
>Stuart K5KVH
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