[TenTec] "Remember, it's a computer."

Joe Malloy jmalloy at stny.rr.com
Fri Mar 14 14:57:58 EST 2003

> They'll get this worked out.Since 1996, it's only
> gone down a few of times and then only because
> the UPS ran out of juice before the power company
> got things going again. It's never failed as a result
> of software/hardware problems.

Neither has any copy of Windows NT 3.5, NT4.0 and XP that I've been
running -- either on the home network (5 machines) or as a member of my
college.  (Heck, even Windows with DOS ran very reliably for me!)  It's the
power company that keeps me from having uptimes greater than 150 days...but
it's up at least between power failures crunching numbers for the Seti at home

>This is how mature
> equipment should behave. Mr. Gates? Mr. Gates?
> are you awake?

Bob?  Bob?  Are *you* awake? :)


Joe, W2RBA

P.S. I don't like Billy Boy one bit (!) nor the company he owns and I've
been investigating Linux for an eventual transition (if only it had the
support that is there for Windows!).

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