[TenTec] OmniVI Opt3 question

John L Merrill jmerrill1 at adelphia.net
Sat Mar 15 13:44:55 EST 2003

Thanks for the info. I just a beautiful used one with Opt3. I'll give Ten
Tec a call on Monday.

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Pete Juliano [mailto:jessystems at cablespeed.com]
  Sent: Saturday, March 15, 2003 1:37 PM
  To: John L Merrill
  Subject: Re: [TenTec] OmniVI Opt3 question

  Hi John,

  About six months ago I bought from Ten Tec a used Omni 6+ Factory Option 3
upgrade and asked about the TCXO --they said I had two options either
purchase and install it myself or have them do it. I had them do it as there
is some tweaking and adjusting required although I suspect it is not
difficult or detailed. But since the unit I was buying was covered by a
warranty why not have that piece covered as well. At that time I think the
TCXO was under $60.

  So the short answer is that six months ago they were carrying the TCXO and
it can be user installed.

  The TCXO I think is a very worthwhile accessory and really adds to the
value. I leave the power supply on at all times and find that the Omni 6+ is
always right on frequency. I frequently participate in a net where the net
controller starts chewing on you if you are more than 20 hertz off
frequency. Guess he likes to tout that he is never off frequency. I set the
net frequency in VFO B and never had him tell me I was off frequency or

  Call Stan at Ten Tec and I am sure he will give you the latest info. Oh, I
believe that Ten Tec must outsource the TCXO as my Omni 6+ was held up in
their shop for about a week until they received a new shipment of boards. So
that is another possibility as their source might have boards too.

  Pete W6JFR

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