[TenTec] TT for sale - Delta, Triton IV

Brien Pepperdine pepperb at gov.on.ca
Mon Mar 24 11:04:28 EST 2003

More TT for sale: 

Delta (not Delta II) - with matching power supply - $325

Triton IV Digital - with matching power supply - $325

Argonaut 509 - with model 208 cw filter and power supply - $300

"Triton" style external digital readout (setup to use with Argonaut above,
first refusal to buyer of the Argonaut if they want it) - $50

Century 21 and external T-T calibrator (has internal p.s) - $150

Add shipping cost of your choice of method.

Brien Pepperdine
Amateur Radio Station VE3VAW
Toronto, Ontario Canada

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