[TenTec] Argosy II problem

Jim Miller k4sqr at juno.com
Tue Mar 25 06:05:22 EST 2003


This sounds as if a portion of your antenna is rectifying the broadcast
stations signal, ie BCI.

I suggest checking all outside connections for starters.


Jim Miller, K4SQR
4-Square Experts, Stack Yagi
& Remote Antenna Switching Systems

On Mon, 24 Mar 2003 21:24:49 EST RSALVO at aol.com writes:
> Has anyone had the following problem with the Argosy?  Mine receives 
> a local 
> AM broadcast station in the cw portions of 80, 40, 30 and 20 meters, 
> quite a 
> nuisance when attempting to copy CW!  The signal is strongest on 40 
> and 30 
> meters.  Any ideas on this one would be appreciated.
> 73, Joe, WA2PJI  - rsalvo at aol.com  
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