[TenTec] Jupiter questions, as we get to build-up details of PARCHFRB

Carl Moreschi n4py at earthlink.net
Sun May 4 15:09:14 EDT 2003

When the Jupiter receives commands from its serial port, the Jupiter goes
into pegasus eumulation mode.  Once in this mode, the jupiter display
changes to show the pegasus horse.  In this mode, the front panel is
completely disabled.  The Jupiter will stay in this mode until it does not
receive commands from the serial port for 2 seconds, at which time, the
front panel will again become active and the Jupiter will return to the
settings it had before entering pegasus emulation mode.

Carl Moreschi N4PY
Franklinton, NC
----- Original Message -----
From: <w4chl at mindspring.com>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, May 04, 2003 12:55 PM
Subject: [TenTec] Jupiter questions, as we get to build-up details of

> Dear TenTec list,
> We've enjoyed working the Pegasus that is part of the initial build-up of
> the HFRB at PARC.  A couple of questions:
> ? Can the Jupiter display front panel be disabled when running in Pegasus
> emulation mode ?  If we substitute for our loaned (my) Pegasus at PARC,
> interested in having the front panel disabled (or at least locked out)
> when operated remotely.
> ? Is there a "standby" mode of operation for the Jupiter to run it "idled"
> awaiting external interface commands ?  Trying to work around lack of
> complete remote power on/off control that is available from some of the
> pricier remotable rigs such as TS-2000.
> Yes, we have a fan on order as the Pegasus heat sink has gotten a bit warm
> to the touch on PSK31 when in QSOs with South Africa at 100w.
> Thank you Carl N4PY for documenting a tuner interface for the AT-11mp from
> your fine software !
> Cheers & 73s de Mark W4CHL
> Mark R. Smith  w4chl at arrl.org
> Chapel Hill NC  USA   http://rtpnet.org/parc
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