[TenTec] Orion CW Waveform

Jim Reid jimr.reid at verizon.net
Tue May 6 16:10:44 EDT 2003

Hmmm,  just discovered I have been overlooking 
another of Doug Smith's pieces describing another
feature,  unique to the Orion design.  The shaping
of the CW waveform,  and the relation of  CW
spurious sidebands to both that shape and the
usual ALC action.  The Orion does NOT use ALC,
but a better way,  TGC:  transmitter gain control.
Why? ALC can cause added CW  spurious sideband

Read all about this added Orion benefit:


And no,  so far no shipping notice from Ten Tec to Kauai,
maybe tomorrow????

73,  Jim  KH7M

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