[TenTec] 60M

Mail ewell2 at cvc.net
Thu May 15 19:03:55 EDT 2003

Hi All:

       I thought that we all had homeland responsibilities also, and we are
FCC licensed?  You know that we will not be able to work mobile, and
our equipment will have to be crystal controlled?  Specifications are
too strict, and limiting the type of antenna will hamper portable emergency
communications?  Who will we talk to?

Ed  73  K7DXV  ewell2 at cvc.net

----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott Rosenfeld [N7JI]" <ham at w3eax.umd.edu>
To: "Jim FitzSimons" <cherry at getnet.net>; <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2003 5:37 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] 60M

> MADness.
> Guess we'd better build our rockbound rigs.
> On Thu, 15 May 2003, Jim FitzSimons wrote:
> > 31. We believe that frequencies in the 5250-5400 kHz range may be useful
> > completing disaster communications links at times when the 3 and 7 MHz
> > are not available due to ionospheric conditions, and appreciate the
> > of the amateur radio community to assist with disaster communications.
> > the same time, since the majority of the affected users are Federal
> > Government licensees with homeland security responsibilities, we give
> > considerable weight to the concerns NTIA has expressed about the
> > for interference to these users.  Thus, we conclude that it is not
> > reasonable to grant ARRL's original request for the whole of the
> > kHz band.  However, as indicated above, NTIA has reviewed its
> > and has found that 5 channels are lightly used and could be used on a
> > secondary basis by amateur stations.  While we recognize that these five
> > channels will not give the amateur service the 150 kilohertz of spectrum
> > the 5000 kHz range it originally asked for or the flexibility to use
> > multiple transmission modes, this appears to be the best compromise
> > available to give the amateur service access to new spectrum while
> > the Federal Government agencies that their use is protected.  We also
> > with NTIA's basic proposals that amateur service operations on these
> > channels be limited to SSB-SC modulation, upper sideband voice
> > only, with power not to exceed equivalent of 50 W PEP transmitter output
> > power into an antenna with a gain of 0 dBd, or 50 W e.r.p.  These
> > rules will decrease the interference potential between amateur stations
> > Federal Government users.  Accordingly, we are amending sections 2.106,
> > 97.303 of our rules to provide a secondary allocation to the amateur
> > on the channels 5332 kHz, 5348 kHz, 5368 kHz, 5373 kHz and 5405 kHz as
> > specified by NTIA, and to require that amateur operations be limited to
> > effective radiated power (e.r.p.) of 50 W, and emission type 2K8J3E,
> > sideband voice transmissions only centered on each frequency.   For the
> > purpose of computing e.r.p. the transmitter peak envelope power will be
> > multiplied with the antenna gain relative to a dipole or the equivalent
> > calculation in decibels.  A half wave dipole antenna will be presumed to
> > have a gain of 0 dBd.  Licensees using other antennas must maintain in
> > station records either manufacturer data on the antenna gain or
> > of the antenna gain.  In addition, because we are permitting amateur
> > stations to transmit on 5 discrete frequencies and limiting the
> > mode to single sideband only, dividing the band into smaller sub-bands
to be
> > used for other emission types is not practical or necessary.  Lastly, we
> > will permit these frequencies to be used by amateur service licensees
with a
> > General Class, Advanced Class, or Amateur Extra Class operator license.
> > believe that the limited number of frequencies and the emission
> > will protect against interference to primary service operations.
> >
> >
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> > TenTec at contesting.com
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> --
> Scott Rosenfeld  ARS N7JI
> 541-684-9970  Eugene, OR  Land o' much rain
> If you find me on the air, I'm probably in my car
> ham at w3eax.umd.edu  http://w3eax.umd.edu/~ham
> _______________________________________________
> TenTec mailing list
> TenTec at contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/tentec

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