[TenTec] Eccentric display?

Don Rasmussen wb8yqj at yahoo.com
Thu May 22 09:49:48 EDT 2003

Hi Guys,

I visited the TenTec Web site last night and
downloaded all the new Orion photos to drool over.
Being a programmer, I couldn't help but notice that
the display info seems scattered on the screen.
Assuming the program is assigning correct x/y
coordinants, variations in the display itself could
cause this, or, the JPG photo could just be distorting
the image. Figure 2 shows the main frequency decimal
raised, the number "10" and the "med" on the right
edge is right justified, and the other right edge
labels seem to be centered. Along the bottom, the
rightmost "off" seemes raised. I wonder if this just a
result of the photo/JPG or if the display formatting
is really this inconsistent. Note to marketing - this
stuff needs to look good!

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