[TenTec] silliwobble
WD4K2 at Charter.net
Thu May 22 23:42:14 EDT 2003
I am fortunate enough to have both the 1000MP and the Orion side by side.
What I see is nearly identical knob characteristics maybe a slight bit more
movement in the MP if any. What is VERY apparent is that on the Yaesu, the
knobs are all black and it is very difficult to "see" any inconsistency in
the rotation whereas the Orion has the silver knob skirts which show any
tiny micro-slight deviation in rotation. Simply not an issue. This radio
"feels" better than the MP in all respects. I have had two MP's for about 6
years and now the Orion sitting right next to one, so I should have some
legitimate basis for comment.
I am disappointed that Ten Tec did not add the cupholder, playstation 2
inputs and 12v accessory socket to keep up with the Icom 7800--which I saw
at Dayton. However, I am glad that my Orion has the ability to be updated
and always cutting edge, whereas by the time the 7800 actually hits the
market, it will be at least three years outdated....and not upgradeable. 8
Grand for a technically obsolete radio which has NO ability to ever catch
up...that is beyond a no brainer:)
Oh, except for model 7800 Pro II and another 9 grand (inflation:) in a year
or so.
Thanks to Earl, K6SE for sharing all of the very fine comments and
observations. 73, Tommy
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From: tentec-bounces at contesting.com
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Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2003 9:33 PM
To: tentec at contesting.com
Subject: TenTec Digest, Vol 5, Issue 63
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Today's Topics:
1. Re: Eccentric display?
2. Re: Eccentric display? (Don Rasmussen)
3. Re: Eccentric display? (WILLIAM MANSEY)
4. Orion Frequency Accuracy
5. Re: Re: Ten-Tec Orion - Initial Impressions (WILLIAM MANSEY)
6. Re: Eccentric display?
7. Re: Eccentric display?
8. RE: Eccentric display? (John Sheeley)
9. Re: Eccentric display? (WILLIAM MANSEY)
10. Downloading Orion Update (Dennis Bryant)
11. RE: Eccentric display? (W. E. Bailey)
12. RE: Off center knobs (The Indart)
13. Re: Off center knobs (Paul Christensen, Esq.)
Date: Thu, 22 May 2003 23:19:42 +0000
From: nq5t at attbi.com
To: tentec at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Eccentric display?
Message-ID: <200305222319.h4MNJiBN004069 at contesting.com>
Precedence: list
Reply-To: tentec at contesting.com
Message: 1
I have to admit, I've never bought a radio based on it's "font". I wonder
the dynamic range varies between Helvetica and Garamond .....
Part of the problem is that squinting at a bit map on a computer screen
the same as sitting in front of the radio, using it --
I wonder if the wives/girlfriends get the same level of under the magnifying
glass scrutiny. I feel for them. "I can't date you since the pores on your
nose aren't exactly uniform". And they're a lot more expensive than ANY
radio :-)
> In fact, if you look closely at the digits used for
> the main VFO A display that also appear in the VFO B
> sub display, you might notice that it's not the same
> font. The point size and font are both different. Lots
> of potential buyers are looking *this* close!
Date: Thu, 22 May 2003 17:08:51 -0700 (PDT)
From: Don Rasmussen <wb8yqj at yahoo.com>
To: tentec at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Eccentric display?
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Reply-To: tentec at contesting.com
Message: 2
Hey Grant,
Did they include a pair of rose colored glasses with
Orion? They need to take their marketing photos
through that lense! Looks like Figure 1 is also
missing a horizontal line on the left edge.
The market outside of the TT faithful won't balance
the benefits of dragonball and SHARC vs. screen
deficiencies. Sure hope TT makes it right, even the
accepting TT faithful deserve the refinement.
Do you Yahoo!?
The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.
Date: Thu, 22 May 2003 20:46:22 -0400
From: "WILLIAM MANSEY" <wa2pvk at msn.com>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Eccentric display?
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<20030522165753.89904.qmail at web14208.mail.yahoo.com><BAY3-DAV145KMnap2SA0001
4720 at hotmail.com>
<00c601c320a6$56e64f60$8bd7c618 at maine.rr.com>
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Reply-To: tentec at contesting.com
Message: 3
Hi Larry,
That was when they made CARS! I recall those very well. My all time
favorite came out a bit later. It is (was) the Dodge Challenger (the same
year model as in the movie "Vanishing Point) A friend had one of those and
had the engine bored out for street racing. At 80 Mph I could "get on it"
and burn rubber! Eat your heart out "KITT" Doing 150+ mph on the highway
(he was driving at THAT time) was a "bit" scary!
I got all those "screws" lined up inside the Orion but now it does not
work quite as well. No matter - it looks much neater inside! :-) Just
kidding guys! Do NOT try this at home!
To get back even close to being "on topic" - - - I timed my Orion. Zero
to "ON" took 11 seconds. Oops! still thinking about cars! To rephrase: It
booted up in 11 seconds. Has the newness worn off yet? NO WAY! It is a
great rig and I continue to enjoy it as much as when I first got it out of
the box. Speaking of that - WHAT am I doing here when I could be over by
the Orion? What is I thinking? Good Night & 73, Bill
Date: Thu, 22 May 2003 17:41:38 -0700
From: k6se at juno.com
To: tentec at contesting.com
Subject: [TenTec] Orion Frequency Accuracy
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Reply-To: tentec at contesting.com
Message: 4
When I checked the frequency accuracy of my new Orion, the LCD readout
when 10 MHz WWV was zero beat was about 20 Hz low (after a long warmup).
On 15 MHz WWV it was 30 Hz low. That's not too shabby, but when the
receiver displays down to 1 Hz you tend to want to make it more accurate.
Studying the manual, I determined that the TCXO (Temperature Compensated
Crystal Oscillator) was located on the Synthesizer board, located at A10
(page 4-4 of the manual). Here's the procedure I used:
1) Remove the Orion's bottom cover. Use the provided spline wrench (the
manual calls it a "T10 Torx Wrench") to remove the 9 small-headed screws
around the back edge of the bottom cover, then use a Phillips screwdriver
to remove the 4 large-headed screws on the sides of the radio (2 0n each
side). Pull the bottom cover rearward and lift it off of the radio.
2) Find the small module located near the rear edge of the synthesizer
board. It should have "45.55 MHz" written on it. The small hole in the
module is where the oscillator adjustment trimmer is.
3) Connect an antenna and power to the radio and sit the radio on its
side where you can view the LCD display and have access to the oscillator
trimmer at the same time.
4) Power up the radio and tune in WWV on the sub receiver (use the
highest-frequency WWV you can receive for greatest accuracy - WWV
transmits on 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 MHz). Set the MODE to either USB
or LSB. Let the radio warm up for at least 30 minutes.
5) Tune the sub VFO so that the displayed frequency is exactly WWV's
frequency. For example, adjust the VFO so that the readout says
"10.000.000" if you are using 10 MHz WWV.
6) During most minutes, WWV modulates the carrier with an audio tone for
45 seconds. While the audio tone is being transmitted, change the MODE
to the other sideband. If the pitch of the tone is not the same when
switching between USB and LSB, the oscillator trimmer needs adjustment.
Note: The pitch of the audio tone alternates between 500 and 600 Hz each
minute. A 440-Hz tone is transmitted during the 2nd minute after each
hour. Don't let this throw you off during the adjustment of the
oscillator. The object is to adjust the oscillator so that the tone is
at the same pitch when switching between USB and LSB. During minutes
when voice announcements or silent periods are scheduled, no audio tone
is transmitted.
7) Set the MODE to the sideband that the pitch of the tone is highest on.
Using a suitable alignment tool, adjust the trimmer so that the pitch of
the audio tone is slightly lower (the trimmer is not too tight and
adjusts easily).
8) Listen for any change in the pitch of the tone while switching between
USB and LSB. If necessary, adjust the trimmer again. When the trimmer
is adjusted so that there is no discernible difference in the pitch of
the audio tone while switching between USB and LSB, the oscillator is
calibrated. When you get this close, you may also hear a slowly
pulsating "whoosh". The slower the "whoosh" pulsates, the more accurate
the calibration is.
9) Ensure that the frequency display is still "10.000.000" (i.e., you
didn't accidentally bump the VFO knob during the procedure).
10) Replace the bottom cover.
The accuracy of the frequency readout on my Orion drifts about 20 Hz at
10 Mhz (2 PPM) during the first 30 minutes of warmup. The direction of
apparent drift of WWV is downward which would explain why the factory
adjustment of the oscillator was that amount -- perhaps their lab is a
cooler environment than my hot shack or they don't allow enough warmup
time before making the adjustment.
73, de Earl, K6SE
Date: Thu, 22 May 2003 20:51:03 -0400
From: "WILLIAM MANSEY" <wa2pvk at msn.com>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Re: Ten-Tec Orion - Initial Impressions
Message-ID: <BAY3-DAV136iLSO6YwV0000d430 at hotmail.com>
References: <20030522.142726.-184001.19.k6se at juno.com>
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Reply-To: tentec at contesting.com
Message: 5
Now THAT is what I like! HONESTY! Thanks Earl. 73, Bill
Date: Thu, 22 May 2003 17:53:51 -0700
From: k6se at juno.com
To: tentec at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Eccentric display?
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Reply-To: tentec at contesting.com
Message: 6
Don, WB8YQJ wrote:
"Looks like Figure 1 is also missing a horizontal line on the left edge."
The "missing" horizontal line is there on my Orion (software v1.341).
BTW, I eyeballed down the rows of screws on the covers of my Orion.
They're all in perfect alignment.
73, de Earl, K6SE
Date: Fri, 23 May 2003 01:35:02 +0000
From: nq5t at attbi.com
To: tentec at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Eccentric display?
Message-ID: <200305230135.h4N1Z8BN008144 at contesting.com>
Precedence: list
Reply-To: tentec at contesting.com
Message: 7
No rose colored glasses, and I looked all through the box for some, too.
there weren't any in there.
I don't recall a missing line -- did see that in the web shot, but have not
noticed it (no rose colored glass involved) on my production unit with the
latest version of firmware. There were also some other display things in
firmware versions that have been taken care of
There are some minor display things that could still be straightened out.
some things other than the display which remain to be straightened out. But
see no benefit to nit-picking away at the radio on the list -- it's a fine
radio. My comments on that kind of stuff have gone to Ten-Tec where they
do and have done some good.
And now that the radio is being poked at and prodded by an increasing number
owners, no doubt more things will be found. But it sure is easier to pick
the nits if you don't have one :-)
> Did they include a pair of rose colored glasses with
> Orion?
Date: Thu, 22 May 2003 18:55:33 -0700 (PDT)
From: John Sheeley <wb4qda at yahoo.com>
To: johnclif at ix.netcom.com, tentec at contesting.com
Subject: RE: [TenTec] Eccentric display?
Message-ID: <20030523015533.62648.qmail at web11502.mail.yahoo.com>
In-Reply-To: <LBBBJJFGKPKFCEDOHLMOMEIIEHAA.johnclif at ix.netcom.com>
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Reply-To: tentec at contesting.com
Message: 8
Hey Guys
For all those that are concerned about the
Concentricty of the tuning nobs on the Orion .
I just checked my Orion tuning nobs Serial # 09c10112
with a .001 dial indicator. I am a retired Mold/Tool
maker .
this was done with the rubber removed
Main receiver tuning nob .005 run out thats 5000th of
an inch
Sub Tuning nob .006 runout thats is 6000 of an inch.
You are not going to find a plastic injection molded
part with any tighter tolerances . you cant decern
this runout with your necked eye .
The run out you must think you are seeing must have
to do with the rubber covering .
I just checked my Kenwood audio/video stereo
receiver nob . It is running out .007 of sn inch
de John WB4QDA
--- John Clifford <johnclif at ix.netcom.com> wrote:
> > But don't forget, all of the trim screws were
> perfectly aligned...
> What this signifies to me is perfect attention to
> detail. It's a pretty
> good bet that, if that level of attention was paid
> to the trim screws, the
> rest of the car would also be of similar
> quality-of-assembly.
> No one would be willing to pay tons more for these
> minor fit-and-finish
> details... but if two items were substantially
> identical in function and
> similarly priced, the one with the better
> fit-and-finish will win the sales
> battle. This is how Japan, Inc. put a whipping on
> the American car industry
> and the American consumer electronics industry.
> Finally, as a person who has been involved in
> creating and selling products
> that have won their niche of the market, I can tell
> you that most consumers
> don't, and can't, understand the intricate technical
> specifications of a
> product. This is true even of ham radio! But they
> can see and appreciate
> fit and finish.
> Case screw alignment is not worth spending a lot of
> time on. Noticeably
> eccentric knobs and/or displays/meters/etc., are
> because they affect the
> customers' PERCEPTION of quality even if the radio
> works incredibly well.
> Perception IS reality when it comes to sales and
> marketing. If you as a
> manufacturer want the perception of quality, then it
> behooves you to ensure
> that everything that is visible on the exterior is
> flawless... even if you
> have miles of wire inside to fix ECOs.
> I just did a quick knob evaluation of my HW-9, K2,
> Drake R8A, and Omni VI.
> The HW-9 and the Drake have perfectly concentric
> knobs, and the K2 and Omni
> VI don't. (I am running a Yaesu FT-100 knob on the
> K2, the original knob
> did run concentrically.) The difference here is the
> knob designs, and I am
> sure that the Omni VI and K2/FT-100 knobs are the
> MORE expensive!
> Think about it... you're going to have to buy
> thousands of knobs anyway, so
> does it really matter if, during the prototype
> stage, you spend a little
> extra time designing/spec-ing a knob/shaft/mounting
> technique so that all of
> the knobs will be absolutely centered on the shaft
> they mount on? If just
> ONE person doesn't buy the radio because the lack of
> concentricity bothers
> him enough to doubt the radio, then the money you
> lose on that sale probably
> exceeds what doing it right would have cost. Why
> NOT do it right if doing
> it wrong doesn't cost any less?
> Some ardent Ten-Tec fans think I write these posts
> because I hate Ten-Tec.
> Give me a break... I own an Omni VI, Centaur, and
> 238B tuner, and am
> strongly considering buying an Orion. I like their
> product line. I write
> these posts not to piss off anyone... but the worst
> thing that can happen to
> Ten-Tec is for it to believe that fit and finish
> don't matter to their
> customers. That is a sure way to declining sales
> and the eventual demise of
> America's best-loved amateur radio equipment
> manufacturer.
> - jgc
> John Clifford KD7KGX
> Heathkit HW-9 WARC/HFT-9/HM-9
> Elecraft K2 #1678
> Ten-Tec Omni VI/Opt1
> Alinco DR-605TQ
> Icom T90A
> email: kd7kgx at arrl.net
> _______________________________________________
> TenTec mailing list
> TenTec at contesting.com
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Do you Yahoo!?
The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.
Date: Thu, 22 May 2003 21:57:32 -0400
From: "WILLIAM MANSEY" <wa2pvk at msn.com>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Eccentric display?
Message-ID: <BAY3-DAV52LXPJzn2FS00013288 at hotmail.com>
References: <20030522.180032.-184001.31.k6se at juno.com>
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Reply-To: tentec at contesting.com
Message: 9
Screws all lined up? Your Orion has GOT to be on frequency then! :-)
Date: Thu, 22 May 2003 22:14:11 -0400
From: "Dennis Bryant" <brya5984 at bellsouth.net>
To: <TenTec at contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Downloading Orion Update
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Reply-To: tentec at contesting.com
Message: 10
I am having a problem downloading the latest update to Orion. I do not =
have a computer next to the radio that is connected to the internet so I =
downloaded the update to a flopy. In fact I tried two flopies. Then I =
used a laptop to try to load the update from the "A" drive. This worked =
with the last update, but this time the connection is made then it =
stops. I know the com port is right because it finds the Orion =
initially. Also, I can copy PSK31 through the port. I tried a Windows 98 =
laptop and an XP laptop with the same results. Am I missing something?
Dennis, N4MUSFrom mnewell1 at austin.rr.com Thu May 22 22:24:53 2003
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To: <tentec at contesting.com>
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Subject: Re: [TenTec] Eccentric display?
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Unless they fixed it in a later software
release, the missing horizontal line
comes and goes, or at least it did
in the Orion that I had.
Sometimes it would be there, sometimes
I thought they would have had it showing
for the official Orion photos, but perhaps
that's part of the lack of attention to detail
that Ten Tec suffers from on occasion.
Mike - WB4HUC
Austin, TX
----- Original Message -----
From: <k6se at juno.com>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2003 7:53 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Eccentric display?
> Don, WB8YQJ wrote:
> "Looks like Figure 1 is also missing a horizontal line on the left edge."
> ==========
> The "missing" horizontal line is there on my Orion (software v1.341).
> BTW, I eyeballed down the rows of screws on the covers of my Orion.
> They're all in perfect alignment.
> 73, de Earl, K6SE
> _______________________________________________
> TenTec mailing list
> TenTec at contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/tentec
Date: Thu, 22 May 2003 22:27:51 -0400
From: "W. E. Bailey" <ebailey at earthlink.net>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Subject: RE: [TenTec] Eccentric display?
Message-ID: <000001c320d2$ec8bc5f0$8f4c2c18 at D9V9R721>
In-Reply-To: <LBBBJJFGKPKFCEDOHLMOMEIIEHAA.johnclif at ix.netcom.com>
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Reply-To: tentec at contesting.com
Message: 11
I could not agree with you more. Over the years I have owned (and still
have) a lot of Ten-Tec gear. I started out with a Paragon and then had an
Omni V before I moved to an Omni VI. Over the years I have owned three of
them (two were upgraded to the VI+ and one was a factory model VI+). I still
own two of them. In addition to the Omni VI's I've had a Titan and a
Centurion amp, three 238 tuners (of different vintages), a Hercules II, a
Jupiter and a Corsair II with external vfo (my most recent acquisition).
Some of the gear was bought new from Ten-Tec and some was bought used from
them, but much of it was bought from hams who posted their Ten-Tec gear for
sale here on the reflector.
With the exception of some early problems with the new Titan (which were
corrected by Ten-Tec) I have had almost no problem with the equipment and
have used it for years. I have always enjoyed the performance of the
Ten-Tec equipment. In fact I was so impressed by the performance of my Omni
V that I sold an Icom IC-781 that had been my main radio.
While I have been favorably impressed by the performance of the equipment, I
have not been as favorably impressed by the "fit and finish" of some of the
equipment. Probably the most visible of these problems has been the
eccentricity (at least the appearance of eccentricity )of the tuning knobs.
Thus, this thread struck a chord with me.
I have never been distressed enough about the situation to try to do
anything about it, but in my personal experience there simply is no
comparison between the physical "feel" of other "top of the line radios"
(for example the FT-1000D) and the Omni VI.
I have been amazed at the perception of Ten-Tec equipment when first seen by
hams that have never operated the gear. Almost without fail - they
immediately say that it looks like **** compared to the Japanese equipment
that they are used to. Regardless of how hard one tries (and I have many
times), it is almost impossible to overcome this initial reaction to the
appearance and "feel" of the equipment.
I saw the exact same reaction at the Ten-Tec booth at Dayton last week.
Immediately after Icom unveiled the 7800, I went to the Ten-Tec booth. Two
hams (who had also seen the unveiling) were inspecting the Orion. I
overheard them talking about it (they were favorably impressed by the
specifications, but they were talking about what it looked like and how it
"felt"). I asked them if they had ever operated any Ten-Tec equipment and
they said they had not. So I spent some time talking with them about the
superior performance of the Ten-Tec gear I have operated over the years. I
extolled the superior performance of my Omni VI's, and answered some
questions that they had. When we parted I had the distinct impression that
while they were impressed by the performance of the Ten-Tec gear, they were
reluctant to buy it, based solely upon their perceptions of appearance and
"feel". I hope that I am wrong and that they both buy Orions.
Based upon my own experience and the experience of others related here on
the reflector, it would appear to me that this is an area that Ten-Tec would
want to address, even if there is only a perception of a problem. It seems
to me that it ought to be easier (and probably less expensive) for Ten-Tec
to make a superior performing radio look and "feel" good than it would be to
give a great looking radio the improved performance that it needs to be
I believe that it would be a serious mistake to deny that a problem (at
least the perception of a problem) exists. I hope that Tec-Tec will address
John KD7KGX wrote:
> But don't forget, all of the trim screws were perfectly aligned...
>>What this signifies to me is perfect attention to detail. It's a pretty
>>good bet that, if that level of attention was paid to the trim screws, the
>>rest of the car would also be of similar quality-of-assembly.
>>Finally, as a person who has been involved in creating and selling
>>that have won their niche of the market, I can tell you that most
>>don't, and can't, understand the intricate technical specifications of a
>>product. This is true even of ham radio! But they can see and appreciate
>>fit and finish.
>>Case screw alignment is not worth spending a lot of time on. Noticeably
>>eccentric knobs and/or displays/meters/etc., are because they affect the
>>customers' PERCEPTION of quality even if the radio works incredibly well.
>>Some ardent Ten-Tec fans think I write these posts because I hate Ten-Tec.
>>Give me a break... I own an Omni VI, Centaur, and 238B tuner, and am
>>strongly considering buying an Orion. I like their product line. I write
>>these posts not to piss off anyone... but the worst thing that can happen
>>Ten-Tec is for it to believe that fit and finish don't matter to their
>>customers. That is a sure way to declining sales and the eventual demise
>>America's best-loved amateur radio equipment manufacturer.
>>- jgc
>>John Clifford KD7KGX
Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 22:54:39 -0400
From: "The Indart" <kitdart at ntelos.net>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Subject: RE: [TenTec] Off center knobs
Message-ID: <KEEMIMDAJPJIHNNJELMACEMDCFAA.kitdart at ntelos.net>
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Reply-To: tentec at contesting.com
Message: 12
The knob and the skirt are two separate parts to allow for the adjustment of
the "drag" of the knob. The manual explains this adjustment to suit the
To center skirt with the knob, rotate the knob and observe where on the
skirt is off, then grab the skirt with one hand and the knob with the other.
Push the skirt up or down in order to center it, spin the knob to check
centering. You might have to do this a second or third time until it is
just right. There is enough friction, so once this is adjusted, it will not
require any further adjustment. There is no mechanical defect with the
-----Original Message-----
From: tentec-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]On Behalf Of Rob Atkinson, K5UJ
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2003 1:30 PM
To: tentec at contesting.com
Cc: k5uj at hotmail.com
Subject: [TenTec] Off center knobs
I think this is one of those things where you either get hung up on this or
you don't. My Omni VI's knob has a slight wobble--I couldn't care less.
I'll say this for the Orion, at least it has two decent tuning knobs. I
noticed the IC7800 has one standard knob and a dinky. It also continues the
ICOM "tradition" of using tiny stem knobs on the bottom of the f.p. for
things like rf power, something I adjust way too often to want to use a
micro knob for.
Rob Atkinson
k5uj at hotmail.com
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Date: Thu, 22 May 2003 08:27:43 -0400
From: "Paul Christensen, Esq." <info at immigration.nu>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Off center knobs
Message-ID: <019401c3205d$8ba80e80$7601a8c0 at se1.client2.attbi.com>
References: < at mail.adelphia.net>
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Reply-To: tentec at contesting.com
Message: 13
> Dayton. I'm darned if I could detect any issue with the tuning
> knobs. Assuming these demo units go from show to show for a year or more,
> they probably get more abuse than in anyone's shack.
FWIW, tuning knob concentricity is no less of an issue with Yaesu. I have a
shelf full of main tuning knobs for the FT-1000D. Yaesu sent me multiple
knobs back in the early '90s in an attempt to find one that didn't wobble.
They were good enough to allow me to keep all the non-centered knobs and one
day I will use them for a high power antenna tuner project.
I will add that the new professional photos of the Orion look
gorgeous....much better than the previous amateur photos from past hamfests.
-Paul, W9AC
TenTec mailing list
TenTec at contesting.com
End of TenTec Digest, Vol 5, Issue 63
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