[TenTec] RE: Experience with UPS and ham rigs

Bill NY9H ny9h at arrl.net
Thu May 29 11:53:41 EDT 2003

My company was the ILL/WI  rep company for APC back in the beginning years. 
You know the story, once the commission checks got big, they put on direct 
sales guys.

Anyhow...there are some differences in 'UPSs'  for all to be aware...

Most UPS are not ups..even the APC models. They are SBS Standby Power 
Supplies, which are off till the power fails, and only then turn on. 
Usually within 4-7 milliseconds, which fast enough before the computer 
power supply signals a loss of power to the motherboard.  SBS usually offer 
some degree of surge protection, MOVs or something on the outputs. Some 
work very well.

A "TRUE" UPS... actually manufactures the output power ALL the time, 
which  may be a modified square wave ( a stepped square wave, to look like 
a sine wave) or an actual sine wave. Imagine a that is it a 60 cycle audio 
amp !!! with a kilowatt output.! (heat sink & fan).   By being locally 
created & ON all the time there is no pass thru of surges, or noises from 
the utility power lines. Upon utility failure, a UPS runs off the 
batteries, rather than charging them. ALLWAYS more money than a SBS but 
usually VERY clean. If it's humming or buzzing & making a fan noise ..while 
the utility is up...it's probably a UPS.  If it's quiet, just sitting 
there, it'as a SBS.  ITT & others resold Itaka (Japan) private labeled 
stuff. Fine UPS.

Now determine which type YOUR loads needs, SBS or UPS.


NY9H pictures on Epson's Photo site ;

mailgoesto:ny9h at arrl.net 

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