[TenTec] Omni VI speech proc.

Ben K8DIT benk8dit at serv.net
Thu Nov 6 08:00:24 EST 2003

I use the proc. on my Omni 6 plus opt.1 full time at 12 o'clock. I vary the
mic. gain depending on band and desired results. Noone has had a problem
with my audio, just the opposite, I get unsolicited compliments. I use a
generic computer headset plugged into a 2 band w2ihy EQ/Noise gate. I use
the same settings on the Jupiter and at 2.4 khz noone can tell which
transciever I'm using. I found that the most critical part of this setup was
getting just the right level on the EQ's built in amp. varied by a pot on
the p.c. accessible thru a hole on the bottom of its cabinet. The Omni 6 I
have is stock.
After having varied the bandwidths on the Jupiter, I have settled on the 2.4
Khz setting for transmit audio. Ive figured out that noone can really tell
what setting Im using and I always get comments about my good audio using
either the headset, 705 or my Shure 444. The 705 and the 444 are used w/o
the w2ihy EQ/Noise gate. Only the guys with the Pro2 claim they can tell the
difference between them. But on a blind test, they really could not.
Its nice to have a pair of radios that work as well as these two. I do
mostly CW and SSB and have other rigs for AM. But the Jupiter is lots of fun
on AM and surprise others when I report on my equipment. I just have to
remember to get the right settings for transmit. The Omni 6 is my very
favorite for CW, its just so EZ. Antennas and an amplifier round out the
shack and have had the Centurion for 3 years. It is the best, most forgiving
amp I have ever used. My antennas are a 5 band lightningbolt quad on a 50'
crankup, a ground mounted 5 band trap vert. and an inverted L 320' long, end
fed, remotely tuned, up 70'. I live on a city lot.

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