Dana Michael DMichael at dauphingraphic.com
Wed Nov 12 13:23:03 EST 2003

FOR SALE --- Time to clean up the shack a little. 

Ten-Tec OMNI-D factory modified to Series B with noise blanker and copy of
the manual.  About an "8" physcial condition with one small knob repaired.
Includes a 280 Power Supply that is about a "7" physical condition but works
fine.    $325

Ten-Tec PM3A  40 and 20 Meter 5 watt QRP rig with sidetone and semi QSK
options. Includes a copy of the manual. In very good condition, no mods or
holes.   $150
Ten-Tec 705 desk mics. In very good condition. I have 2 for sale.     $65

Ameritron AL-80B amplifier in very good condition with manual. $775 

MFJ 422B Keyer  elecronics only (no paddle) with manual. $40
MFJ 752 signal Enhancer II audio filter with manual.  $45
Uniden Bearcat BC120XLT hand held scanner with nicads and a copy of the
manual. $75

Wilson 6 channel 5 watt 2 meter hand held radio with "stand up" charger
 and speaker mic. Battery is dead so condition is not known. No manual, no
flex antenna.  $25 
Heathkit SSB filter #404-328 2.1khz at 3.395mhz New old stock.  $35

 Thanks es 73,
 D.A. "Mike" Michael W3TS
 129 Church Lane
 Halifax,Pa. 17032-8372
 1-717-362-3243 Work from 7AM to 4PM
 1-717-896-3973 Home from 5PM to 10PM 

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