[TenTec] DSP Filter BW (1.366 vs previous)

Bill Tippett btippett at alum.mit.edu
Fri Nov 14 17:02:02 EST 2003

Mark Erbaugh wrote:
For those of you who have upgraded, does this feature allow
you to sharpen the filters beyond what was in previous releases or were
previous releases hard coded with 199 taps?

         N4PY previously reported the original DSP filters as:

Filter       6 DB width     60 DB width    Shape Factor

100            150             440              2.9:1
250            240             470              1.95:1
500            510             820              1.6:1
1000           980            1160              1.2:1
1600          1580            1880              1.2:1
2400          2360            2500              1.06:1
3000          2930            3270              1.12:1
4000          3960            4280              1.08:1


         Carl, how about doing it again for the max and min
tap settings?  It appears that the previous tap settings may
have been variable with bandwidth, but some measurements would
be very helpful.  If any others decide to make this measurement,
remember to take the roofing filter out of the picture by fixing
Xtal Filter to 20 kHz.

                                         73,  Bill  W4ZV

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