[TenTec] FW: [Icom] RE: Icom Japan IC-7800 announcement
George, W5YR
w5yr at att.net
Thu Nov 20 20:57:35 EST 2003
The following has been cross-posted to this reflector by "RM"
(kamar at inr.net) without my permission. These remarks were intended for the
Icom reflector only. They represent my opinion which I was not intending to
share with the subscribers of this reflector.
I do not appreciate my postings being copied in this manner. Whoever "RM"
is - and I wouldn't give my name or call either if I pulled such a trick -
he should be ashamed of himself for presuming to make this posting without
my permission.. While not illegal, such practices are notably unethical and
73/72, George
Amateur Radio W5YR - the Yellow Rose of Texas
Fairview, TX 30 mi NE of Dallas in Collin county EM13QE
"Starting the 58th year and it just keeps getting better!"
w5yr at att.net
----- Original Message -----
From: "RM" <kamar at inr.net>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2003 5:23 AM
Subject: [TenTec] FW: [Icom] RE: Icom Japan IC-7800 announcement
> -----Original Message-----
> From: icom-admin at mailman.qth.net [mailto:icom-admin at mailman.qth.net] On
> Behalf Of George, W5YR
> Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2003 15:17
> To: icom at mailman.qth.net
> Subject: Re: [Icom] RE: Icom Japan IC-7800 announcement
> Icom's strategy here seems fairly open:
> 1. develop a basic architecture adaptable to the commercial/military
> where the real money is.
> 2. build and sell a first generation to the amateur market to prepare them
> for the second generation, and recoup development $$ by using the initial
> model to replace the 1000+ IC-781's used throughout the world primarily in
> government service.
> 3. meld the affordable elements of the 7800 with those of the PRO2 and
> produce the PRO3, selling in the amateur market for a street price of
> $3000. With the essence of the 7800 front end and superb display and the
> PRO2 DSP capabilities - enhanced with still newer and faster DSP
chipsets -
> the PRO3 would outperform the ORION, the K2 and any other existing HF
> in that market.
> Only educated guesswork on my part, but obviously Icom understands the
> amateur marketplace as well or better than any other company. Yaesu and
> Kenwood seem to be rapidly seeking disengagement from the amateur world
> with their stubborn resistance to bringing out DSP IF radios, the only
> architecture which will survive the next few years.
> A few of our fortunate brethren will buy and enjoy the 7800 and thereby
> generate demand for a similar product more affordably priced. Hence, the
> stage is being set for a PRO3 which will be the radio of choice for every
> amateur radio activity involving desk-top equipment.
> 73/72, George
> Amateur Radio W5YR - the Yellow Rose of Texas Fairview, TX 30 mi NE of
> Dallas in Collin county EM13QE "Starting the 58th year and it just keeps
> getting better!"
> w5yr at att.net
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Davies, Doug A FOR:EX" <Doug.Davies at gems3.gov.bc.ca>
> To: <icom at mailman.qth.net>
> Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2003 12:27 PM
> Subject: [Icom] RE: Icom Japan IC-7800 announcement
> > Regarding the pricing for the new IC-7800, one has to wonder just what
> > market these people are targeting. I would bet that less than one
> > of licensed amateurs would be in a financial position to even consider
> > spending that kind of money on a piece of ham gear. It's simply absurd.
> If
> > ICOM is hanging it's economic hat on equipment in that price range, they
> > would be well advised to do a bit more market research. Or, maybe they
> are
> > only going to manufacture 12 of these radios and then say that they've
> sold
> > out due to heavy market demand <grin>.
> >
> > If I had that kind of money, I'd buy an IFR service monitor and use it
> > maintain the radios I have. Much better use of funds, in my opinion.
> >
> > Doug VA7DD
> > ----
> > Your Moderator: Dick Flanagan K7VC, icom-owner at mailman.qth.net
> > Icom Users Net: Sundays, 1700Z, 14.315 MHz
> > Icom FAQ: http://www.qsl.net/icom/
> ----
> Your Moderator: Dick Flanagan K7VC, icom-owner at mailman.qth.net
> Icom Users Net: Sundays, 1700Z, 14.315 MHz
> Icom FAQ: http://www.qsl.net/icom/
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