[TenTec] Orion/Centurion/Ant1 QSK Question

john, ke5c ke5c at hot.rr.com
Sat Nov 22 09:48:32 EST 2003

The Orion has arrived, but has anyone run across this before?

1) Omni 6+ keys Centurion in QSK mode fine
2) Orion/Ant1/KeyingLoop1=ON puts Centurion into transmit mode but Orion
does not go into transmit as if loopback to Orion not working properly, yet
3) With a direct loopback - TX OUT 1 jumpered to TX EN 1 - the Orion does go
into transmit, and
4) Orion/Ant2/Keying Loop2=ON works fine.

Without a circuit diagram, I am guessing the output device that drives TX
OUT1 is weak (low beta) so that it can sink enough current to key the
Centurion but not enough to then also key the Orion.  Or perhaps however the
Orion senses a closure or low level for TX EN1 is a bit off.  Thanks for any

73, John

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