[TenTec] Question on Orion vs Pro II noise handling

KD7EFQ at aol.com KD7EFQ at aol.com
Sat Nov 29 08:17:17 EST 2003

Hello, I understand the Orion's IF dsp gives incredible options for filter 
shaping etc, but how does the dsp handle neighborhood / atmospheric noise? I 
seem to have developed several
newer noises this winter, that I suspect are coming from dirty furnace 
motors, portable heaters, or touch lamps etc. I would attempt to locate the noises & 
talk to the neighbors about it, but I don't feel the neighbors would be very 
cooperative, and I really don't want to go home in a "Body Bag" Hi Hi. I know 
the noise isn't from power lines because it turns on and off as if it has a 
timer or thermostat controlling it. I understand dsp for filter shaping / 
selectivity, vs dsp for noise handling are two different animals. Has anyone compred 
this to a Pro II, 1000 MP etc? Any other thoughts? 

73, Todd - KD7EFQ

"The Race is over...THE RATS WON"

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