[TenTec] Centurion 422

KD7EFQ at aol.com KD7EFQ at aol.com
Sat Nov 29 21:35:21 EST 2003

Hello, I ran one for a short while and loved it, The only reason I sold mine 
is that I always wanted a Titan 425 to "stroke my ego", and couldn't afford 
both. As far as Pete's remarks, I agree except for raising the plate voltage to 
get legal limit, as the trade off (besides added expense) is shortened tube 
life, bigger blower = more noise, and more heat. The Centurion is bulletproof as 
is except for severe operator error. Nobody's going to notice the difference 
between 1200 and 1500 watts. If you double your power say to 2400 watts, it 
only means 1/2  S unit difference on the recieveing end. I'd rather have the 
extra durability & quietness. Go ahead and get one. If you really don't like it 
(which I'm sure you will) There's always Ten Tec's 30 day money back guarantee.

73, Todd - KD7EFQ

"The Race is over...THE RATS WON"

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