[TenTec] Ten Tec Antenna

Stuart Rohre rohre at arlut.utexas.edu
Wed Oct 1 17:21:29 EDT 2003

I have been off on sabbatical, but the TT vee beam can be a potentially
interesting antenna.   Our club some Field Days back for a 3 years used un
terminated multi wave vee beams.   With 10 wave legs on 10m, they were
killer gain antennas.  With the shorter model described, they can still give
you some good take off angles, and DX.

Most of the older handbooks have a write up on the Vee beam.  A good angle
is about the same one TT has picked for their models based on our club
experiments.  With a 45 degree angle between legs, you can erect 3 Vee beams
to cover the USA if unterminated.  (Since they are bidirectional).  You
could use two of the terminated TT models, and one home brew unterminated to
do West Coast and SE coast from Tx for example.  If you live in the middle
of the country, you may want to try the unterminated multi wave leg Vee
beam.  It would be bidirectional with gain on bands where the legs are over
about 1.5 waves each.

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