[TenTec] FW: Orion archives

Jim Lowman jmlowman at sbcglobal.net
Mon Oct 6 18:01:57 EDT 2003

Strange, Jim...

I don't know what software the YahooGroups use, but the software for the 
lists at both
contesting.com and qth.net give all privileges to the listadmin; even 
the ancient Majordomo
did that...

73 de Jim - AD6CW

Jim Reid wrote:

>>On the face of it the following group appears to be Restricted 
>>membership but Public archives.
>Yes,  it is public.  However,  try as I might,  I cannot get the
>archive of the TenTec_Orion Yahoo group to be open!  There
>are some things about the list which the original "owner" set
>up that I cannot now change -- that's just the way Yahoo has
>things set up.
>Anyway,  I have,  as of a few moments ago,  reactivated
>this group.  Why,  so that Joe, N4ARI, can join,  if he wants to;
>then I can transfer the "ownership"/moderating job to him.
>For now,  I will also leave it activated.  Anyone can now join,
>if you have a license or other genuine interest in the Orion,
>to gain access to the archives.  I have also opened the ability
>to post messages again,  but not sure I should have,  hi.
>Now to see what happens,  hi.
>73,  Jim  KH7M
>TenTec mailing list
>TenTec at contesting.com

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