[TenTec] Latest BPL events...

Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, electrical engineer geraldj at isunet.net
Thu Oct 23 18:31:53 EDT 2003

We taught the foreign power systems how to use 3 phase and we use three
phase all over except for individual single phase lines to single phase

But when the wires are more than an antenna length apart, they radiate.
All it takes is a fraction of a wavelength spacing or phase difference
and they radiate. Listen to power line noise from an arc sometime. And
the same power lines that radiate also receive.

In the single phase line with one side grounded, at 60 Hz, a significant
fraction of the return current is in the ground, I don't know how that
will play at RF, probably less in the ground because of the inductance
of the ground wires.

73, Jerry, K0CQ

Entire content copyright Dr. Gerald N. Johnson, electrical engineer.
Reproduction by permission only.

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