[TenTec] An Oops......Effective Sunspots vs. Actual Count

Jim Reid jimr.reid at verizon.net
Thu Oct 30 11:35:04 EST 2003

Oh oh,  turns out that when I wrote:

> The only band where signals from the US mainland can be
> heard out here (Hawaii) just now is 17 meters.

My little F12 C3 beam was turned around toward Indonesia/
Malasia!  So no gain to the mainland EXCEPT on 17 meters
where the C3 has a bit of gain in the reverse direction on 17;
with the beam swung more to the mainland,  I hear some
signals,  CW,  on both 20 and 15 meters from the Biggest
Island far to our East,  hi.

73,  Jim  KH7M

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