[TenTec] Is this how it is done today?

Bill Rowlett kc4atu at hotmail.com
Mon Sep 1 16:50:01 EDT 2003


The answer was and is NEVER... The item was offered for sale, not put up for 
bidding, there is a difference which seems to be lost on some people.

73,  kc4atu

>From: W5VPU at aol.com
>Reply-To: tentec at contesting.com
>To: tentec at contesting.com
>Subject: [TenTec] Is this how it is done today?
>Date: Mon, 1 Sep 2003 10:39:19 EDT
>Hi, Chip:
>I've read the thread over the weekend. Maybe some of our answers will prove
>useful to you. Hope so.
>You simply asked a question: "Is this how it is done today?"
>The answer is simple:  "Sometimes. Never always. Just sometimes. Usually
>rarely, but it does turn out this way sometimes."
>Can you tell ahead of time if the deal is going to turn sour? No.
>It is a bit like knowing when you have a job. It isn't when you show up for
>work. It isn't during all the labor of doing the work, whether it is an 
>hour or
>a week or a month.
>You know you have a job when the work is done, and you get your check, and
>you take the check to the bank, and you deposit it or cash it, and the 
>doesn't bounce. Then and only then do you really know you have a job.
>Better experience next time.
>73         Raymond                W5VPU
>TenTec mailing list
>TenTec at contesting.com

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