[TenTec] Titan III Question

KD7EFQ at aol.com KD7EFQ at aol.com
Sun Sep 7 15:41:54 EDT 2003

I have been comparing the Titan III to the Alpha 99 , Commander 2500 & QRO 
Except for the Commander which uses expensive 3CX800's instead of the 
4CX800's, these are all considered in the same class. However, Ten Tec limits there 
continuous output power on digital / SSTV modes to 1 KW, while the others 
advertise "Brick on the key" continuous 1.5KW with no time limit. Why is this? Are 
the others that much heavier duty? The Titan and Alpha 99 are the same price. 
Just wondering. Todd

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