[TenTec] Request experiences with Centurion

Steve Baron - KB3MM SteveBaron at StarLinX.com
Sat Sep 20 23:52:07 EDT 2003

What prompted the departure.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mike Hyder --N4NT--" <N4NT_Mike.Hyder at charter.net>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, September 20, 2003 14:15
Subject: [TenTec] Request experiences with Centurion

> If the Orion users departure didn't completely kill this reflector, I'd
> to hear from the Ten-Tec diehards about this:
> I'm fixin' to buy an amplifier to replace my SB220 Heathkit that was
> by lightning.  I've about decided on the Ten-Tec Centurion 422B and wonder
> what experiences you have had with it.
> And if you have one, would you buy another one or buy something different?
> Thanks and 73,
> Mike N4NT
> N4NT at aol.com
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