[TenTec] My power Supply and my Argo V

Edward Crawford w4wvw at msn.com
Tue Apr 13 23:52:33 EDT 2004

Personally I would not run the new Argo V off the 252MO supply unless it has had the over voltage and over current protection added either internally or inline as it did not have them from the factory. If the pass transistor goes, the Argo will fry.
Enjoy the new rig.
73. Ed/w4wvw
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Larry Greenberg N5BEA<mailto:larrylg1 at excite.com> 
  To: tentec at contesting.com<mailto:tentec at contesting.com> 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2004 9:25 PM
  Subject: [TenTec] My power Supply and my Argo V

  I am in the process of selling all of my ham gear and am excited about setting up my new ARGO V.  How cool is that?  I have a minty TT 252M0 18 amp power supply, with meter which I think that I can sell for almost what I can buy a new 7 amp version made for the ARGO V.  My other component is a TT 277 Antenna tuner.   Once in a while I bring in my trusty 2 meter rig if there is a local net or emergency. But, I refuse to keep it in my shack!  I wonder which way I should go.  Cometicly, all my Ten Tec gear matches.  I would appreciate all comments...  Larry GreenbergN5BEA

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