[TenTec] BPL Update
ac5e at comcast.net
ac5e at comcast.net
Wed Apr 14 17:37:00 EDT 2004
Steve, it seems to me the Ten Tec forum is as appropriate as any. If no one has a job nobody buys radios. And if wages go way down companies that make radios in a country where a plant supervisor makes the equivalent of $8,000 a year have a crushing price advantage.
But bluntly, given an even playing field we can compete with anyone. Our misleaders have been cozying up to countries that are essentially waging economic war against us. An artificially low exchange rate amounts to a high protective tariff against foreign products - and at the same time amounts to a subsidy for their exports. So we are priced out of their market - and they can even price us out of our market.
The result is economic warfare. The eventual victory occurs when the winner can buy the loser. Neat, sweet, and no blood shed.
The solution? According to some of Washington's outs who want to be in again, the solution is to make their wages the same as ours. How? The only way possible is to drop our average worker's wages to their level, by further devaluing the dollar and by other means. Do you really want to make coolie wages. I don't think so.
Don't misunderstand me. I'm a LIBERAL - and have been since I handed out flyers and cheered by the tracks for "Give 'em Hell" Harry Truman. But I have absolutely no sympathy for the media and entertainment industry "Elite" who have taken over my political party, most corporations, and our labor unions.
I think the Elites who have exported our technology and our jobs to further their political interests have committed nothing more or less than treason. And their fellow travellers are just as guilty, whether they sit in an editors chair, a boardroom, a union hall, or a legislative body.
73 Pete Allen AC5E
You know what they call a cowboy who does not picket his horse?
> Pete,
> I understand your plight. Competing against cheap labor in China is
> nearly a losing battle, especially when American companies no longer
> consider themselves to be American companies, but rather
> multinationals.
> Treason can be defined as giving defense secrets to other countries
> under false pretenses, but in today's climate, dismantling the only
> non-asian manufacturer capable of producing a critical, irreplacable
> guidance system component for our key weapons systems is simply
> considered to be good business practice, not treason.
> Run a google search on the words MAGNEQUENCH and CHINA to learn about
> what many consider to be the worst example yet of an American company
> engaging in treason. A keyword search on MAGNEQUENCH at the
> insightmag.com website will turn up three articles that may make your
> skin crawl. http://www.insightmag.com/main.cfm?include=search
> I applaud you for your efforts to stay American!
> Thank you Pete!
> 73 de KD9BO Steve
> ps: before anyone flames me for going off topic, please do the search
> and read the links. Then write to your Congressmen and Senators in
> outrage.
> >Well, said, Doc. I'm a manufacturer in a small industry who has
> >watched most of my competition go "offshore" because of the utterly
> >reckless actions of a relatively small number of political
> >appointees. And when you want to place blame for offshoring, do the
> >arithmetic. Then do the research.
> >
> >It takes three to five years between the boardroom decision to move
> >a plant until enough product has made it onshore to start issuing
> >layoff slips. Who was in office three to five years ago? What were
> >the policies that made major employers look overseas? Why were those
> >policies in place? And why did the then administration fail to
> >address those policies?
> >
> >The people we elect haven't a clue about what's going on - unless we
> >tell them. And even when we tell them, forcing a bureaucrat to
> >reverse course takes an act of Congress. A few who serve "at the
> >will of the President" can be removed - provided said crony does not
> >provide enough money to the incumbents
> >re-election campaign, or to the financial markets, to make in
> >inconvenient to tie a can to his tail. And provided the appointees
> >actions do not represent the political philosophy of the President.
> >
> >All in all, the Founders - and Plato - gave us a wonderful system of
> >government. And what we have now is the fruition of a 227 year long
> >scheme to subvert that system. In large part by exporting the very
> >foundation of our success and our economy - our jobs and our
> >technology.
> >
> >73 Pete Allen AC5E
> >
> >
> >
> > In this election season where everything seems to be presented or
> >> interpreted as having partisan purpose we seem to find ourselves
> >> parsing every word. An after-effect, I suppose, of the Clinton-Gore
> >> years when all of we non-lawyers learned about new word games like
> >> "It depends what your definition of is is." and "There is no
> >> controlling legal authority." Sigh.
> >>
> >> So that we might address our E-mails, letters, and phone calls to
> >> the correct individuals can you specify precisely whom it is in
> >> this administration you know with certainty to be "highly in favor
> >> of BPL", please?
> >>
> >>
> >> Generalizations work against us in this campaign to inform the
> >> uninformed and to derail this RFI trainwreck, only specifics are of value.
> >>
> >> IMHO, YMMV ...
> >>
> >> --
> >> Thanks! & 73, doc kd4e
> >> West Central Florida
> >> Op. Atlas, Drake, Hallicrafters, TenTec ...
> >> p.s. Linux-incompatible hardware is defective!
> >> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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> Steve Weber
> No trees were killed in the sending of this message. However
> a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.
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