[TenTec] Grounding

Ken Brown ken.d.brown at verizon.net
Fri Apr 23 21:41:30 EDT 2004

>Most lightning damage is caused by power line surges.
My experience (which includes over 20 years of working on radio sites or 
observatories on mountain tops) indicates that the above is absolutely 
true. It is true even when the radio site is the highest mountain for 
miles, and has antenna towers holding antennas 60 or more feet above the 
summit, AND less than proper grounding and lightning protection on the 
antenna feedlines.

Why?....It is simply a matter of probability. The power grid covers a 
much larger area, and therefore has a much higher probability of getting 
a direct hit.

Does this mean we should not bother with lightning protection on our 
antenna systems, and just put the protection on the incoming power 
lines? Absolutely not! Just don't forget the protection on the power 
lines, it is very important.



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