[TenTec] Additional Thoughts on New Orion
Richard Detweiler
rdetweil at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 27 00:07:06 EDT 2004
Hi Bernard,
I'm Richard, K5SF, I'd llike to try and answer for you some of this, I'm
sure if it's not correct, others will chime in.
First of all, the 2.4 filter does auto engage at around 2000 BW. BW is a
function of the BW setting AND the PBT setting.
When using these narow filters for SSB, Try setting the BW to 2400 then
shifting the PBT to something like +450 .
Notice that the BW Decreases as the PBT is adjusted positive.
Thus the total pass band for the 2400 needed for SSB is reduced to 1950 hz.
That gets below the 2000 hz automatic drop in.
The RX Frequency doesn't change, but the PBT shifts upwards 450 hz, that
cuts off the low tones and Norrows the BW cutting the QRM.
This trick can be used to the extreme as well, say for AFSK where we use
LSB, I can shift the PBT up all the way to +2100 and adjust the BW down to
nearly 200 hz, so I only get the RTTY signal, If in Auto, my 250 HZ filter
will engage, but I'm receiving very high pitch tones through a very narrow
pass band.
Hope that helps a little,
Next question, The point at which it auto changes is fixed in the micro
code, so changing the filter doesn't affect the change over.
Congradulations on the Orion, So far it's proving itself a champ, Lets all
work together to make it better...
>From: "Bernard(wtrone)" <wtrone at comcast.net>
>Reply-To: tentec at contesting.com
>To: <tentec at contesting.com>
>Subject: Re: [TenTec] Additional Thoughts on New Orion
>Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2004 22:21:04 -0500
> Make that " I find my 2.4 filter doesn't kick in until the bandwidth
>around 1.9kHz." Spell checker must have taken out the 9 out of 1.9.
> 73
> Bernard, WA4OEJ
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Bernard(wtrone)" <wtrone at comcast.net>
>To: <tentec at contesting.com>
>Sent: Monday, April 26, 2004 10:16 PM
>Subject: [TenTec] Additional Thoughts on New Orion
> Now that I have had several weeks to play with my new Orion, I can
>understand some of the comments that have been made on this board about the
>AGC, NB, NR and attenuation settings. On a quiet band the settings just
>don't seem to matter that much, but on a band with QRM and/or QRN the
>difference is quite amazing. I find this particularly the case on 80 and
>SSB. Using the settings described on this board, I find that I can usually
>use them or tweak them to improve the receive copy. I guess that using is
>actually believing.
> But, I do have a question for the board regarding Ten-Tec's selection
>roofing filters. Remembering that the roofing filters do not set the
>receive bandwidth as in most transceivers, I really have to wonder why they
>selected 6 kHz for the second filter and 2.4 kHz for the third filter.
>I find it difficult to copy a SSB signal with a bandwidth of less than 2.0
>kHz. Maybe I have a tin ear, maybe it is something else, but I find it
>difficult to do. Way back when, I bought a 1.8 kHz filter for my Drake
>and ended up never using it. In the Orion auto filter selection position,
>my 2.4 filter doesn't kick in until the bandwidth is around 1.kHz. That's
>just too narrow for me. Other than the obvious reason of having
>compatibility with their other rigs, why wouldn't they have selected
>something like 7 or 8 kHz for the second filter and then something like 3.5
>kHz for the third filter?
> Second question, in the auto mode, how is the change over filter
>selected. In other words, if I put a 2.8 kHz filter in place of the 2.4
>kHz, at what bandwidth would it be enabled?
> 73
> Bernard, WA4OEJ
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