[TenTec] Re: Bencher

Roy Koeppe royanjoy at ncn.net
Tue Apr 27 15:39:28 EDT 2004


"I don't like the plastic paddles on the Bencher.

First of all, I don't like the shape.  I prefer a more rounded shape
like on
the Vibroplex, and second, the spacing on the two paddles is too large
my likings.  I like the two paddles to be thinner and closer together.
is probably a result of learning on a single paddle and then progressing
the Autronics which has close spacing and rounded paddles.  I used the
Autronics for about 25 years.  Just never could feel comfortable with a

Apart from that, the Bencher paddles are ourstanding products and most
of my
friends use them and love them.  Just not my cup of tea."



(I think this thread should be on the CW reflector) but here goes

I own the old model Bencher single lever which has the nice oval shaped
finger pieces and chrome base. I bought it new a lo-ong time ago. I also
felt that the finger pieces were too far apart and slightly too thin for
a solid feel. So I drilled out those infamous rivets and then cut a thin
piece of plastic, shaped like the original finger pieces. This piece was
sandwiched in between the original two and cemented and clamped. Then it
was sanded smooth around the edges and painted bright red. The
completed, solid-piece paddle is exactly the correct thickness to slide
in between the two metal armature brackets and bolted with tiny chromed
bolts and nuts. Since the whole assembly moves mechanically as one unit,
it works perfectly and has just the right feel that I prefer. Light but

73,    Roy        K6XK/0

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