[TenTec] Studio 1 Mic Paint Job!!

Jim Reid jimr.reid at verizon.net
Thu Apr 29 21:47:56 EDT 2004

> Jim, on the Heil paint, I agree with others, contact Bob directly by email
> as a start.


Actually,  Bob contacted me first by email!!  Said he
was alerted to my email to the reflector by no fewer
that six others!!

I replied that it was ok;   I do not need a replacement
mike.  It operates just fine!!  And I have five other
Heil mikes of various ages and element types!!

The only time the paint issue was a bother for me was
when I was hand holding it.  I have it now in my Heil
mike boom mount in which the Studio 1 is held in place
by rubber bands, and you don't even notice the small
blisters on the paint of the few bitty scratches, from
finger nail nicks,  I guess.

Have not heard from him since,  which is fine!  He offered
to replace the unit,  but that is needless cost and effort
for both of us.

Maybe I am "easy",  but just couldn't see going through
an exchange when the mike is so great just as it is,  the
way I use it!

Guess I shouldn't have brought it up at all,  was just surprised
to see the paint blister.

73,  Jim  KH7M

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