[RFI] RE: [TenTec] NTIA BPL Report released

Lynn Lamb w4nl at charter.net
Fri Apr 30 17:00:13 EDT 2004

Best face on bad news is an executive summary for political reasons, but the
best executive summary tells the real truth up front, short and backed up by
clear facts.  Many political staffs don't understand these since it may cost
them their precious jobs.

To water down the facts, play reckless with the true facts, ignore them or
even lie about the facts if done with the man or woman in charge in mind is
the real world unfortunately.

The one here who said they are changing the rules where we can't play
anymore may be accurate.  However we do have a long standing precedent of
following the rules, serving, and perhaps making communication what it is
today to say nothing of future service where it's called for.  I also know
going into anything with lawyers, suits and threats is never a good idea if
the above were not so very clear.

If and when we are done in, and I'm hoping for a miracle too, a class action
suit with hundreds of thousands putting in a nominal amount would delay it
at worst and win at best.  I remain optimistic since 'good' is on our side
with no all mighty dollar as a motivator.  I am familiar with big business,
power and money, but we do have a just cause, some large numbers, and by the
way some business folks out there are also interested.  I would hope they
would stand up too.

lynn lamb W4NL

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Stuart Rohre" <rohre at arlut.utexas.edu>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2004 3:42 PM
Subject: Re: [RFI] RE: [TenTec] NTIA BPL Report released

> A favorite trick of executive summaries is to put the best face on bad
> Stuart
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