[TenTec] Visit to Ham Store

tom stewart xring97015 at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 1 11:22:35 EDT 2004

Visited a  national chain store yesterday and thought
to share some observations. There were customers,
which was nice for an obscure hobby. All the  demo
rigs were lite up with test drivers. The Icom 7800 was
there for only $10,250 !! I thought to myself, that
price would buy almost three ORIONS.  Fortunately, I
am happy with my  VI(opt3). There was much talk of 
handhelds (2m/440)  etc. , and folks were buying.  Did
not hear the word "CW" one time.  Later wife an I
watched "Frequency" and she wanted to know " why don't
you talk(voice) on the radio???"  After the film I
went back to my TT rig and carried on with those dots
and dits.

Thanks for the shared enthusiasm for CW.


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