[TenTec] Tennessee Dreamin'
Anthony Luscre K8ZT
aluscre at neo.rr.com
Mon Aug 2 17:55:43 EDT 2004
I owned one second hand the 80 meter version. It was CW/SSB but not well
designed for CW.
Coincidently the Dentron "factory" was just across town here in Stow, OH.
I was a Tech at the time and I wanted the six meter version and would
stop in every few weeks and they would say it would be a week or two.
They never did produce it and one day when I went there the doors were
closed and soon another business moved in.
I sold the 80 meter rig at a know forgotten Northeast Ohio Hamfest
years ago. I also had one of the main Mizhou (sp?) boards that they were
based on and sold it to a G-QRP member visiting Dayton form UK.
There was one on e-Bay this week 40 meter version I think (actually I
think 40 and 80, plus maybe 20 meter were the only units actually produced.)
Ron Notarius wrote:
>For some reason, that reminds me... and my apologies for going slightly off
>topic here...
>One of the last products announced by the second coming of Dentron (circa
>1983-4) were a bunch of single band radios; don't remember now if they were
>CW/SSB or SSB only, and I think they had an output around 25 watts. I
>remember seeing them being sold at a huge discount at Dayton that year...
>and passing because the band I wanted was no longer available (bad mistake)
>as I discovered the table in the flea market Sunday morning shortly after
>arriving. Dentron disappeared for good shortly thereafter.
>Anyone else remember these rigs, or even get their hands on one? Are any
>still around anywhere?
>73, ron wn3vaw
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Richard Donovan" <n5xm at alltel.net>
>To: <tentec at contesting.com>
>Sent: Monday, August 02, 2004 3:47 PM
>Subject: [TenTec] Tennessee Dreamin'
>> I was working a fellow TT owner on CW on 20m this afternoon, and our
>>conversation led to the interesting question of "what rigs would you like
>>see TT bring out for their loyal users?" I would like a series of 100W
>>CW-only radios, each for one band only. As the TT habit is one that lasts
>>lifetime, in ten years, at say, 800.00 a pop, you could eventually end up
>>with an incredible shack. They could even make SSB only individual band
>>rigs for those of us who like microphones (!?), and we could mix and match
>>for whatever kind of setup we wanted.
>> I would also like to see a 100W TT mobile rig. That way, I could
>>learn to do mobile CW...as it is, I sure hate the thought of having to
>>good money on a non-TT rig. If you could ask TT to do put out a new rig,
>>what would it be?
>> I sure learn a lot from all you super intelligent mavens here. I'm
>>good on theory, but prefer to be a simple, very active CW op. Any
>>from you good folks? Rich, n5xm
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Anthony A. Luscre
Stow, Ohio
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