[TenTec] Orion QSK

Lee Crocker w9oy at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 4 08:56:22 EDT 2004

Why is 100wpm QSK such a requirement for the Orion? 
There was a time I thought this was a real advantage,
and I spent a lot of time making my radios and amps
and accessories such as audio chain DSP behave
correctly under high speed QSK, with PIN diode
switching boards and special timing circuits etc. 
Then I made the mods to my FT-1000D to reduce
keyclicks, which pretty well destroyed the
effectiveness of the QSK in that radio and found I
really didn't need the QSK that much anyway.  If I
needed to be interupted when sending I am usually very
easily be accessed during the word and sentence
spacing, and really don't need letter to letter
interruption capability.  Admittedly I don't do 100wpm
code, but word spacing at 100 wpm is the equivalent of
33wpm QSK.    

So is 100wmp QSK really just similar to the bragging
rights the high end stereo guys get over .0000000001%
THD or is it really useful to most CW user / contester
/ DXer etc.  Where does QSK belong in the order of
necessary features?


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