[TenTec] Superhet Receiver Types?

Ken Brown ken.d.brown at verizon.net
Fri Aug 6 04:31:45 EDT 2004

Hi Bob,

I have a question about terminology. Do I have this right? A "single 
conversion superheterodyne receiver" that does not have a DSP detector 
has a 1st local oscillator that mixes the incoming signal down to the 
1st (and only) IF, and if in CW or SSB mode there is a BFO that then 
converts the IF to audio. In AM mode just a detector. And if it uses IF 
DSP there is an ADC that digitizes the IF for digital filtering and 
detection. So a "single conversion" superhet actually has two heterodyne 
conversions (and two local oscillators, the BFO being the second)  when 
it is operating CW or SSB, if it is does not have DSP at the IF.

A "direct conversion" superhet just has one local oscillator and 
converts the incoming signal directly to audio.

Have I got this right?

Or if it has IF DSP and no BFO, is it then "direct conversion", or still 
"single conversion" or both?


Bob Henderson wrote:

>Single coversion superhets are inompatible with the roofing filter concept.
>The filters in the K2 are those necessary to define the working bandwidth of
>the receiver.

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