[TenTec] Orion/DXBase Control Help

RM royalct at inr.net
Sat Aug 7 10:59:26 EDT 2004

Under Dxbase 2005 'Tools/Options/Users Options/Radio 1 Tab(or Radio2)' 

A) select TenTec under Manufacturer Window, select Orion565 under Model.
B) Put a 'check' in the Connect Radio 1 Serial Interface box
C) Put a check in the CTS box (you should leave DTR High and RTS High
D) Under Comport select the computer comm port that you are using for the
E) Under Baudrate select 57600 (this is the only value that the Orion/Dxbase
will work with)
F) Under Word Length use 8
G) Under Parity select NONE 
H) Under Stop Bits enter 1

Under the Log Defaults Tab, put a check in the Load Band/Mode from HF
Transceiver box.

Click Ok and click your back to the program, close Dxbase, and restart
it............ You should be communicating with the Orion.

I strongly suggest that you 'manually' configure your computer comport that
you are using for the Orion to the above serial port settings, and select
Hardware handshaking.  Yep, I know that all computers is supposed to set the
comport without human interaction..........Guess What - They Don't....my
experience with ham radio products is that feature is not reliable......Set
the computer comport parameters manually .....

Ron ....... NU1U

-----Original Message-----
From: tentec-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]
On Behalf Of Chuck Rippel
Sent: Saturday, August 07, 2004 10:14
To: tentec at contesting.com
Subject: [TenTec] Orion/DXBase Control Help

Disconnected my FT1000MP from the computer, changed the Radio #1 parameter
to Ten Tec Orion 565 but no control.  None of the boxes are checked, the
baud rate is 4800.  The Yaesu worked just fine.

What am I doing wrong? 


Chuck, WA4HHG
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