[TenTec] re: Jupiter or Omni?

Paul DeWitte K9OT k9ot at mhtc.net
Tue Aug 10 23:47:54 EDT 2004

Bill, what price range are you thinking of? $500, $1000, $1500, $2000, or
whatever it takes? An Omni C is a fraction of the price of an Omni VI+ that
is fully-filtered. They are both fantastic CW rigs, as is the legendary
Corsair II. The C just doesn't do well on 17 meters.

There are many good points and a few bad points about each TT rig. If you
can, try to find local proud TT owners who will let you test-drive theirs.
Buckmaster shows you are in Maryland, SE of the DC area. There should be
several CW-optimized Jupiters, Omni Vs, and VIs near you.

The Jupiter is general-coverage receive and can be (not must be)
computer-controlled. Great receive audio! No extra filters to buy, either.
It can be upgraded via the Internet, so it won't get outdated right away. I
found mine to be a joy to operate. The CW QSK op in the household also liked

The Omni V and its Omni VI big brothers (straight, various options, and +)
are all great ham-band only rigs. I like my V; the OM likes his +; the new
ham who is using my Jupiter likes it too. The only reason I got the V is to
keep my Hercules II amp happy, and that isn't a problem for barefoot
operators like yourself.

We have a house full of TT rigs and a few other older brand Xs. You may find
you can't have just one TT.

73 from Peg KB9LIE in SW Wisconsin

-----Original Message-----
Do I want to start with a Jupiter or Omni?
If Omni, which model? And why?

Advice will be appreciated.

73, Bill K3UJ

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