[TenTec] Difference Between Omni VI+ and Paragon II

Dan.Newby at cpspet.com Dan.Newby at cpspet.com
Wed Aug 11 14:08:18 EDT 2004

If I understand it correctly, Stan please correct me if I am wrong, the 
Paragon and Paragon II are basically the same rig except for the processor 
board and AM operation. 

Having said that, what I find interesting is that if you look at the ARRL 
product reviews, the Paragon has  better  Minimum discernible signal, 
dynamic range,  two tone third order IMD dynamic range and third order 
intercept point than the Omni VI Plus. Both of which were tested under the 
same conditions as I read the review. 

Anyway, if you have those issues, May 1988 and November 1997, you might 
want to read them for yourself. Or you can look them up on the ARRL web 
site if you are a member.


"Wayne Bilodeau" <wayneb at lightstream.net> 
Sent by: tentec-bounces at contesting.com
08/11/2004 12:56 PM
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[TenTec] Difference Between Omni VI+ and Paragon II


Can anyone please tell me the significant differences between an Omni VI+
(option 3 upgrade) and a Paragon II other than noise reduction, shortwave
bands, and AM ?

I am thinking about trading an Omni VI+ fully loaded for a Paragon II
fully loaded( yes, I know...crazy) because I want shortwave bands and AM
capability.  I was a shortwave listener prior to ham radio and kinda miss

73 de KC8Q

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