[TenTec] re QST?

Rob Atkinson, K5UJ k5uj at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 12 12:46:11 EDT 2004


The cover refers to the article on p. 28, The Aapirat--An Audio and computer 
control panel by Mark Mandelkern, K5AM. It's an "audio panel interface."   
What's more interesting to me than the project is that this guy has 
HOMBREWED every single piece of equipment in his station, and he isn't 
operating with a tuna tin and a galena rock cat's whisker receiver either.  
You sure don't see that much anymore.  The product review this month is of a 
selection of 3 balanced feedline tuners, two of which are specified by the 
manufacturer as [U.S.] legal limit items.  I am amazed that A. they did not 
review the Bliss Z Matchmaster and B. the reviewer admitted in the review 
that he could not operate these products at more than 500 w.  Why is this 
guy reviewing them when he can't even tell us how they operated at 1.5 kw?


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