[TenTec] CorsairAudio Filter

Michael Shortland michaelgs at dsl.pipex.com
Sat Aug 14 12:42:43 EDT 2004

I have owned my Corsair II for only a few weeks, but got fed up with the
bangs and crashes in the 'phones very quickly.  I solved the problem by
inserting a very simple passive CW filter in the 'phones lead: an 88mH
inductor in series with a 0.59 microfarad ceramic capacitor.  This cuts out
most of the noise and resonates at around 700Hz.  I added an In/Out switch
with volume levelling pot for convenience.  

Mike, N4NT suggested I pass on the idea, which is surely not original, but
may interest other Corsair owners.


Mike G0EFO

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